Weber State Invite info

Spectators will be charged $5 - cash preferred but we can accept cards (this is to offset the high cost of golf course rental). b) give yourself plenty of time to get to the race - traffic will be high because of Labor Day weekend, and PARKING may take some time and effort. The spectator parking options are listed in the attachment. We have 900 more athletes than last year, and we had some parking challenges a year ago. We have added some spectator parking options including a shuttle bus from a large parking lot at Canyon Road Church (1390 Canyon Road). Encourage spectators to carpool where possible. 

Athletes to stay off of the greens and tee boxes. We will have people on patrol throughout the afternoon. If any permanent damage is done to the course due to goofing off, we will have to fine your school for the cost of repair. Please clean up your area at the end of the meet. We will have garbage bags available. 

Most of all, we ask for your patience with the traffic issues. We love the course and would like to keep the race at El Monte, and we love that so many teams are going to be involved, but we know there are issues in getting everyone (athletes and spectators) into that area. 

Info: The course is all grass. 1/4 inch spikes are allowed. Bring your own water.  Coaches must absolutely ensure care of the golf course and facilities. At no time can athletes, coaches, staff or spectators disrupt or tamper with any part of the golf course, especially the greens! No picking up golf balls and No walking, running, sitting or laying on greens or tee-boxes. Please show respect at all times so that we are invited back. 

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