August 24th- August 29th

Hope you all have had a great weekend and are ready for school tomorrow!  It was great to be able to see our athletes race and push themselves last week!  Congrats to Jacob Jeffery who placed 7th at pre-region!  With school starting, come prepared for practice after and be ready to work!  

Athletes need to make sure they are hydrating and eating well with enough food every day before and after practice.  Make sure you have a water bottle with you and are drinking plenty during the day at school.  Take healthy snacks with you that you can eat during school.  These are some small things you can do to pay the price we talked about last week. 

The weather will be hot this week!  The air quality is supposed to gradually get better in the next few days.  Those that have breathing issues or other concerns may need to take extra precautions if needed. 

Fees should now all be on skyward for uniform, spirit pack, and participation.  Please get these paid ASAP. 

If you're experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19 we ask that you stay home, stay healthy and communicate with your assigned coach how you're doing.

These symptoms include:
Fever of 100.4 F or above
Cough (new, un-diagnosed cough)
Trouble breathing or shortness of breath
Sore throat
Sudden change in taste or smell
Muscle aches or pains (not related to running)


Practice is mandatory.  If you have conflicts contact your coach before practice. 
Masks and physical distancing are required. 

Monday: Cross Country Area west of tennis courts @ 3:00 pm
Tuesday: On your own 3-6 miles easy based on your weekly mileage. 

Wednesday:  Cross Country Area west of tennis courts @ 3:00 pm

Thursday: On your own 3-6 miles easy based on your weekly mileage. 

Friday: Cross Country Area west of tennis courts @ 3:00 pm

Saturday:  On your own

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