September 14th- September 19th

We had a great weekend of races from our Jordan girls and boys!! As a coaching staff we are excited with how everyone is progressing and making improvements.  We are where we want to be this season!

This week will be in the high 80's.  Make sure to do all those small things everyday to help your body and your mind feel good.  Also this week, lets make sure to prioritize our time and a reminder if you have any failing grades you will not be allowed to race Friday.  Take care of these things Monday.  

Our Digger Invitational is coming up on September 26th! Parents, in the next few days we will send out a sign up sheet to help run the meet.  We are going to need a lot of help this year with helping.  As a coaching staff we are working really hard to allow spectators but this means they have to follow strict rules in how we organize it.  This is a great course for spectators and many teams who came last year requested to come back!  We're excited its so soon! 

Lets get ready to have a great week!  


If you're experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19 we ask that you stay home, stay healthy and communicate with your assigned coach how you're doing.

These symptoms include:
Fever of 100.4 F or above
Cough (new, un-diagnosed cough)
Trouble breathing or shortness of breath
Sore throat
Sudden change in taste or smell
Muscle aches or pains (not related to running)


Practice is mandatory.  If you have conflicts contact your coach before practice. 
Masks and physical distancing are required. 

Monday: Cross Country Area west of tennis courts @ 3:00 pm
Tuesday: ***Optional but highly encouraged*** 
Cross Country Area west of tennis courts @ 3:00 pm
or on your own 3-6 miles easy based on your weekly mileage. 

Wednesday:  Cross Country Area west of tennis courts @ 3:00 pm

Thursday: ***Optional but highly encouraged*** 
Eastmont Middle school@ 3:00 pm-- we're going to help them run their meet and run easy. 
or on your own 3-6 miles easy based on your weekly mileage. 

Friday: UIAAA Invitational @ Spanish Fork Sports Park, Spanish Fork, UT.  

Spectators are allowed at this race, but they must be wearing a face mask and maintain physical distancing.  Please understand you represent Jordan High and we don't want to be at fault for any breaking of rules.

Please come at 11:30 so we can do our screener.  We need to leave ASAP. 

Bus leaves at 11:40am.  You will be checked out of school. 

1:00pm Frosh/Soph JV Girls Race (A-M)
1:20pm Frosh/Soph JV Girls Race 2 (N-Z)
1:40pm Frosh/Soph JV Boys Race (A-M)
2:00pm Frosh/Soph JV Boys Race 2 (N-Z)
2:20pm Jr/Sr JV Girls Race (A-M)
2:40pm Jr/Sr JV Girls Race 2 (N-Z)
3:00pm Jr/Sr JV Boys Race (A-M)
3:20pm Jr/Sr JV Boys Race 2 (N-Z)
3:40pm Varsity Girls Race
4:00pm Varsity Boys Race

Saturday:  Cross Country Area west of tennis courts @ 7:15 am

After the run come prepared to help! 

Service Project cleaning up the track/stadium to prep for our meet.

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