September 28th- October 3rd
Thank you thank you to all of our team and parent volunteers who helped at our meet. The meet ran smoothly and everyone cleaned up so quickly. Thank you as well for all the parents who did a wonderful job at staying in the stadium and keeping physical distance. Our admin was very complimentary about the event and had a great time. We had many great times on our course and as we updated the top 10 list most of the times are from 2020!
Top 10 All-Time and Grades for Digger Invite CLICK HERE
Nerd Report Updated --------> Click Here
A quick reminder, athletes you need to have all passing grades to compete in races. You're first a student than an athlete. We expect you to be at practice and getting all the school work done you need to. Come Friday we want to be solely focused on Region! Please plan your time ahead this week so you're not feeling over-stressed.
For many, this is the last week of competition for cross this season. Let's get ready to work hard this week and remind ourselves of two things. Answering the question, "why do I run" and "who do I run for"? We as coaches are so proud and happy to be part of this Beetdigger Family!
If you're experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19 we ask that you stay home, stay healthy and communicate with your assigned coach how you're doing.These symptoms include:
Fever of 100.4 F or above
Cough (new, un-diagnosed cough)
Trouble breathing or shortness of breath
Sore throat
Sudden change in taste or smell
Muscle aches or pains (not related to running)