We hope you had a safe and fun fall break! We are excited for state XC this week! There has been some back and forth info from the UHSAA about if team members can come and cheer on state competitors and also about spectators. We are hoping to spectators but Wasatch County has a 1000 person limit which could make it difficult. We will keep you updated! It sounds like it will be live streamed and we will stream over Instagram as well. Below is the map comparison to the state course.
There is a really fun opportunity this year. This is a Utah qualifier on November 7th down in Spanish Fork. This will be for anyone who would like to race. You will need to register yourself and find your own ride down there. The address to the race is 295 Volunteer Drive Spanish Fork, Utah. Races start at 9:30 AM and go until 2:00 PM. More info on this race and the link to register can be found here: 2020 Border Wars - Utah Qualifier. After this race the top 15 teams in the varsity races will go on to represent Utah in the Border Wars against the top 15 Colorado schools in St. George on November 21st. This will be a varsity only race and there will not be any JV races so this Utah qualifier on the 7th is the last and only postseason race for JV.
Let's get ready to have an awesome week!
If you're experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19 we ask that you stay home, stay healthy and communicate with your assigned coach how you're doing.
These symptoms include:
Fever of 100.4 F or above
Cough (new, un-diagnosed cough)
Trouble breathing or shortness of breath
Sore throat
Sudden change in taste or smell
Muscle aches or pains (not related to running)
Practice is mandatory. If you have conflicts contact your coach before practice.
Monday: Cross Country Area west of tennis courts @ 3:00 pm
Tuesday: TBD
Wednesday: Cross Country Area west of tennis courts @ 3:00 pm
Thursday: State Championship @ Soldier Hollow. Bus leaves 1:50pm.
Friday: 3-6 miles easy on your own