October 26th- October 31st

What a great week it was!  It was a ton of fun to see and cheer our team on at State!  Thanks to all those who came in person and those who tuned in over the stream.  It was a tough course and we are proud of our athletes!   

Shout out to our boys team who had an incredible finish at State.  Over the 3rd mile we had the 11th fastest split as a team which helped propel us from 17th to 14th!  Way to go!! 

Running is a year long sport so we're going to continue to meet and practice until sometime in December.

Here are some upcoming events:

October 30th- Halloween Run

November 7th-  Border Wars qualifier (see schedule and results for more info)

Mid November- Rootbeer Mile :) 

We are so grateful that despite the challenging circumstances this year that we were able to have and finish our cross country season.  Please continue to do all you can to mitigate the spread of COVID-19.  

Here comes Jordan! 

If you're experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19 we ask that you stay home, stay healthy and communicate with your assigned coach how you're doing.

These symptoms include:
Fever of 100.4 F or above
Cough (new, un-diagnosed cough)
Trouble breathing or shortness of breath
Sore throat
Sudden change in taste or smell
Muscle aches or pains (not related to running)


Monday: Cross Country Area west of tennis courts @ 3:00 pm
Tuesday: On you own 3-6 miles 

Wednesday:  Cross Country Area west of tennis courts  @ 3:00 pm

Thursday: On you own 3-6 miles 

Friday:  Halloween Run @ 3:00 

The weather is going to be a little warmer!  Let's dress up and run around town!  
Prizes for top 3 costumes, donuts and apple juice! 

Saturday: On your own.  Happy Halloween, be safe/smart and have fun!

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