Thank you to the Seamons and Hansen families for helping out at our pancake breakfast last Friday!
Many of you are starting to build more and get consistent mileage. Keep working hard and running even when you can't come to practice! With the 4th of July weekend coming up we won't have an official Saturday practice but encourage you to run longer or sign up for a 5k/10k! Base this off the running schedule and where you're at.
We are no longer doing the daily mileage form. Please email your assigned coach your weekly miles for weeks 1-4 ASAP. This must be done to qualify for the mileage t-shirts.
Boys last name A-L to Coach Shaw---
Boys last name M-Z to Coach Summers---
Girls to Coach Yawn---
We are quickly approaching the start of our season. Our first race will be August 14th. Here are some things coming up to be aware of.
- Next week is a state-wide moratorium for cross country. We will not have official practice with the team but the varsity athletes will be sending workouts out.
-In the next week or so I will send out the link to our spirit pack store. These will have optional gear items to purchase. This is separate from the required t-shirt that will be paid for through skyward or the main office. More information to come but email if you have questions.
-We encourage you to get working on eligibility to race. Information is above under the tab 2021 Parent Meeting. Don't worry about the fees yet but start registermyathlete and get the physical scheduled. This will be due August 1st!
-Lastly, there will be an optional cross country camp July 26th-28th. This is with 3 others schools in our state. It is a great way to meet and train with other people and improve your running and motivation. This camp will be $80 and I will send more information out as I receive it. Other camps at USU or BYU can be up to $300-$500!! Our school got invited to this camp and it is a great opportunity for us!
Click this link for more information!
Practice typically won't go longer than 2 hours. Often it is shorter on easier days or when we are not lifting.
Week 5 Schedule:
Monday-JHS west side of tennis courts (by the group of 3 trees) @ 7:15 am
Tuesday- JHS Weight Room (Enter the doors just west of the tennis courts)
6:30 am for those that have lifted weights with us before
7:15 am for beginners
**If there are siblings in both categories pick a time that works best for your family**
Wednesday- Hidden Valley Park scenic area for picnics and trail access. @ 7:15 am
Thursday- JHS Weight Room (Enter the doors just west of the tennis courts)
6:30 am for those that have lifted weights with us before
7:15 am for beginners
**If there are siblings in both categories pick a time that works best for your family**
Friday- JHS west side of tennis courts @ 7:15 am
Saturday- On your own/with friends or run a 5k/10k.