October 10th- October 15th

We hosted a great event on Saturday for our district! You all did an incredible job and even started getting cleaned up before being asked too!  Thank you for all the hard work and dedication to our program.  This year we have accomplished a lot of great things in the community! 

This is the week of divsionals!  Let us continue to focus what is in our control so that we can have the best race we possibly can!  Those that are not racing but have been communicating/coming to practice will be checked out for Tuesday! 

Please be mindful of taking good care of your body. 
  • If you're starting to get sick take all the precautions you can to stay healthy and keep others healthy.  
  • Get the right amount of sleep you need and drink lots of water.  Avoid new dietary changes or energy drinks that your body is not use to (especially right before a race, this happened once). 
  • Take time to look at your school schedule and plan your homework accordingly so that when you race you can be fully focused on giving your best effort for the race. 
  • And lastly, believe in the work you've put in, believe that the goals we've made as a team are obtainable, and believe in yourself that you can run faster than you ever have before.  

We are in this together!

We are excited for this week and to  go out and compete for a chance to race at the
 State Championships!

Weekly Schedule-100% Max Miles

Monday-JHS west side of tennis courts (by the group of 3 trees) @ 3:00 pm

Tuesday-  Utah Cross Country Divisionals

Bus leaves at 7:30 am

9:30am Boys Section B

10:00am Girls Section A

Wednesday-  JHS west side of tennis courts (by the group of 3 trees) @ 3:00 pm

Thursday- JHS west side of tennis courts (by the group of 3 trees) @ 3:00 pm

Friday- JHS west side of tennis courts (by the group of 3 trees) @ 3:00 pm


Run on your own or with teammates/friends!

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