Summer Week 4 (June 19th- June 23rd)
Thank you to the Hakala family for hosting an awesome team activity this week! If any other families would like to host an activity, game night or something sign up below! Grateful for all the help to build and maintain our program!
Summer Activities/Pancake Breakfast/Team Dinners SIGN-UP HERE
Remember to sign up for our summer camp clinic below.
10-Week Camp and Clinic Fee $40- PAY HERE
Our official 2.5 day Jordan XC camp will be on July 26th-28th! More info for that will come out soon. We hoped to spend a day at Alta but it's currently under snow. Other plans will be made if needed.
Remember to report your mileage to your specified coach.
Boys to Coach Shaw (message on parentsquare or email
Girls to Coach Meg (
Weekly Schedule
Trailhead is to the west of the parking lot. We will take the switchbacks to the turn-off to Eriks Trail. If you want longer miles you can continue out and back at Erik's or turn right to Diamondback. Diamondback takes you to a peak to see the entire valley and can do an out-and-back or a loop around the hill called Sidewinder.
If you carry your phone, download the Trailforks App. It will help.
Saturday- On your own or with teammates