Summer Week 2 (June 10th-June 15th)

We had a great first week of practice and it was great to see everyone and meet the new members of our team!  

Construction on the Field house is suppose to start sometime this summer. It may impact where we will meet. The schedule below may change.

Thank you to all those who have signed up for the 10-Week training. If you have not signed up please do so as soon as possible. Thank you!  

CLICK HERE to register for the training. All money goes directly to our program!

We are hosting our community race/time trial on August 3rd this year! Please share this link to family, friends, neighbors etc... who would be interested in running! There will be 9 divisions with medals for top 3 in each gender!

CLICK HERE to the link! 

Weekly Schedule

Monday- Big Bear Park @ 7:15 am

CLICK HERE for directions.

Tuesday- Jordan High Weight Room @ 7:55 am

Enter the weight room in highlighted area above.
We will run after weights, if you cannot run after you can choose to run before if needed! 

Wednesday- Hidden Valley Park @ 7:15 am

CLICK HERE for directions.

Thursday- Meet at the west side of tennis courts (by the group of 3 trees) @ 7:00am to run

Jordan High Weight Room @ 7:55 am

Friday- JHS west side of tennis courts (by the group of 3 trees) @ 7:15 am

Pancake breakfast after!! 

Saturday- Off/On own or with teammates

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