Summer Week 3 (June 17th to June 22nd)

Great job on your training so far! Continue to be consistent in your training and you will see the best results from doing so. 

Thank you to the Diamond, Wilkins and Twitchell families for hosting our pancake breakfast last Friday! We appreciate all the time and help you gave, thank you! 

If you have not yet registered for the 10-Week Summer training please do so ASAP. 

CLICK HERE to register for the training. All money goes directly to our program!

We are hosting our community race/time trial on August 3rd this year! Please share this link to family, friends, neighbors etc... who would be interested in running! There will be 9 divisions with medals for top 3 in each gender!

CLICK HERE to the link! 

Weekly Schedule

Monday- Shields Lane Park @ 7:15 am

CLICK HERE for directions.

Tuesday- Meet at the west side of tennis courts (by the group of 3 trees) @ 7:00am to run

Jordan High Weight Room @ 7:55 am

Wednesday- Wrangler Trail Head @ 7:15 am

CLICK HERE for directions.

Girls Activity- Swimming @ 1:30-4:00pm

10117 S. Alta Villa Drive Sandy UT, 84092 

Thursday- Meet at the west side of tennis courts (by the group of 3 trees) @ 7:00am to run

Jordan High Weight Room @ 7:55 am

Friday- JHS west side of tennis courts (by the group of 3 trees) @ 7:15 am

Ice bath after on the football field

Saturday- Off/On own or with teammates

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