Post Season Week 3 (November 18th-November 23rd

Nike Cross Regional (NXR) is here! I'm excited to head out this week on a trip I haven't been on in 12 years! Looking forward to go this weekend with all of you!  

Here is the official itinerary from our travel agent! It is a working document but will have the most detailed information about our plans and schedule! And we've added a packing list.

I've made a video going over the itinerary, behavioral expectations and going over the packing list. 

Please watch here if you haven't yet.

Tomorrow I hope to get more information about what color of race we will be in. For sure we will be in the "large school" races. I will share that out and add to here when I find out. 

The biggest thing to know for the itinerary is there will be a bus Thursday morning. We need to leave the school by 4:00am so please be there early so we can get to the airport and make our flight! 

The other is that there will not be a bus picking us up this Saturday evening. Please coordinate to have a parent/guardian there to pick up your child. 

Here is our Flight info for Saturday.
Southwest #4645: PHX-SLC 9:35 pm - 11:15 pm

Lunch and dinner on Thursday and Friday will be on your own. JHS administration is paying for dinner on Saturday night. 

Please reach out if you have any questions at all on parentsquare or email at

Usually we do a team/family banquet mid November. Depending on the schedule this may be in December or sometime early next calendar year. 

Weekly Schedule

Monday- Meet at JHS west side of tennis courts (by the group of 3 trees) @ 3:00pm

Tuesday-  Meet at JHS west side of tennis courts (by the group of 3 trees) @ 3:00pm 

Wednesday- Meet at JHS west side of tennis courts (by the group of 3 trees) @ 3:00pm

Thursday- Meet at JHS in the southeast parking lot closer to the front of the school @ 3:45am

Friday- See itinerary above 

Saturday- NXR Southwest Championships! 

8:21 AMGirls Large School Open Race IPEACH
8:33 AMGirls Large School Open Race IISILVER
8:45 AMGirls Large School Open Race IIIVIOLET
8:57 AMBoys Small School Open Race IORANGE
9:09 AMBoys Small School Open Race IIRED
9:21 AMBoys Medium School Open Race IWHITE
9:33 AMBoys Medium School Open Race IIMAROON
9:45 AMBoys Large School Open Race IRUBY
9:57 AMBoys Large School Open Race IIBROWN
10:09 AMBoys Large School Open Race IIIPURPLE
10:30 AMLine Up Boys Championship Race 
10:30 AMNational Anthem 
10:35 AMIntroduction 
10:45 AMBoys Championship RaceBLACK
11:10 AMLine Up Girls Championship Race 
11:10 AMIntroduction 
11:25 AMGirls Championship RaceGREEN

Our flight gets in around 11:15pm. Remember that there will be no bus taking students back to Jordan! 
Please have a ride coordinated to pick up! 

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