Sep. 9- Sep. 14

Great race at Wasatch Invite yesterday!  It is a tough course and our kids powered up those hills!!   

Nerd Report is updated click here------> NERD REPORT

We got pics of everyone who raced yesterday! If you have pictures from meets or events please add and download any you want!  Link will be under Jordan XC links to the right of the blog and HERE.

Digger Homecoming XC Invitational and Alumni/Open 5k
Invite your family, your friends your neighbors! Please take the time to help our cross country program!  Even if they don't run the race they can still donate to the "success fund" and buy items from the food trucks at the meet. 

Share this link for people to donate.

Share this link for people to sign up for the 5k

We are needing 8 more parents who will volunteer to help at our race.  Below are the positions we need help with.  Please email or contact Coach Shaw to volunteer.

This has truly become a school wide event.  JHS madrigals, cheer, drill team and the drum line are all performing at the meet and dance company is hosting their car wash fundraiser in the front of the school.  Thank all those who have helped in making this event possible.  
It is going to be great to have a home race in front of our fans! I am excited! I love Jordan High!

This means if you have an unexcused absence at practice you will not race.

Monday- JHS northwest side of tennis courts @ 3:00 pm  
Tuesday-  JHS northwest side of tennis courts @ 3:00 pm  

Wednesday-   JHS northwest side of tennis courts @ 3:00 pm  

Thursday- JHS northwest side of tennis courts @ 3:00 pm  

After practice we will need help with race prep.  The more people who stay the faster we can get it done!  

Friday-  JHS northwest side of tennis courts @ 3:00 pm 

After practice we will need help with race prep.  The more people who stay the faster we can get it done!  

Saturday-  Digger Homecoming XC Invitational and Alumni/Open 5k @ Jordan High School

Athletes we need you to be at the school at 6:15 am to help set up the rest of the course. 

Race day events:
7:00 am Check-in/walk the course
7:30 am Coaches meeting 
8:00 am High School J.V. Girls
8:40 am High School J.V. Boys
9:10 am National Anthem from JHS Madrigals
9:15 am High School Varsity Girls 
9:45 am High School Varsity Boys
10:15 am Alumni/Open 5k
11:00 am Cheer Performance
11:05 am Drill Performance
11:10 am Drum line Performance
11:15 am Awards Ceremony
8:00 am- 12:00 pm Carwash in the front of the school by Dance Company


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