Sep. 16- Sep. 21
Thank you, thank you, thank you for parents that volunteered their Saturday morning to help put on our meet and for our kids who did a phenomenal job at helping the coaches prep for and clean up after the meet. I have received many positive remarks about our Digger Invite, so thank you for being a part of it! We could not have done this without you!
If you had pics of the Digger Invite please add them ---> HERE.
If you had pics of the Digger Invite please add them ---> HERE.
This means if you have an unexcused absence at practice you will not race.
Monday- JHS northwest side of tennis courts @ 3:00 pm
Tuesday- JHS northwest side of tennis courts @ 3:00 pm
Wednesday- JHS northwest side of tennis courts @ 3:00 pm
Homecoming Parade @ 5:00 pm
- Come be part of the fun as we join the entire school athletics, clubs and other groups in a parade to celebrate homecoming. Please wear your uniform and spirit pack sweat shirt and pants! Meet at the east parking lot near the tennis courts. Currently we have a giant banner we will carry and our XC Jordan flag. The parade will start at 5:30 pm.
Thursday- JHS northwest side of tennis courts @ 3:00 pm
Team dinner at the Oldhams @ 7:00 pm - 2456 Rockview Dr Sandy, UT 84092
Friday- Park Lane Elementary Fun Run @ 9:15 am
Each year we will be helping Park Lane run their fundraiser fun run. We will divide you up to run with certain groups of kids. Please help them by encouraging to run and stay on the path. Last year when we went many parents were appreciative our team was there to support their kids!
You will be excused from class at 8:45 am. We should be back to school around 11:30 am.
There will be no official practice after school. If you're unable to make the fun run please run a pre-meet day on your own.
Saturday- Royal Run Invitational @ Roy High School INFO HERE
Bus leaves the back of JHS at 6:30 am!
9:00 AM--- JV GIRLS
10:00 AM--- JV BOYS
FRESH/SOPH/ROOKIE race: top ten ribbons
JV: top ten medals
Varsity: top ten medals
Those planning on going on Homecoming day dates need to make sure your group arranges to go after you race and cool down. The meet should be your first priority. If you miss the meet for a date you will be pulled out of the next meet. Please make the necessary arrangements to ensure you can both run and go on your dates.