Nov. 4- Nov. 8

Our Team Awards Banquet will be November 19th from 6:30pm to 8:30 pm.

Please RSVP ASAP and read all about it here----->

If you have pictures please send them to Coach Shaw for the banquet.

Invite your friends to come run with us, all are welcome!!

If you rented a uniform please wash and return after school or to practice TOMORROW.  Thank you! 

Coach Dalton will be holding an indoor/outdoor track parent/athlete meeting on December 11th 2019 from 6:30-7:30 in the Tech Atrium at Jordan High School.

Even with it getting colder we will still run outside so dress accordingly.  Some examples include: sweats, tights, beanie, gloves, under armor, hoodie... etc...

Monday- JHS northwest side of tennis courts @ 3:00 pm
Tuesday-  JHS weight room @ 3:00 pm  

Wednesday-  Chocolate Milk Mile- JHS Track @ 3:00 pm 
- Competitors are required to provide their own chocolate milk.  Bring a 1/2 gallon or share 1 gallon with a friend.  

--- see complete ruleset here----------> Chocolate Milk Mile Rules 

Thursday- JHS weight room @ 3:00 pm

Friday-  JHS northwest side of tennis courts @ 3:00 pm

Saturday- Pre-Footlocker Race- Optional on own to get down there.  
DATE: Saturday, November 9th
LOCATION: Pleasant Grove High School, 700 E. 200 S. P.G.
Time: 7:30-8:30 AM Registration
9:00 AM Girls Race
9:30 AM Boys Race
COURSE: 3.00 miles, grass and track, spikes recommended
REGISTRATION: $4.00 per runner. Cash day of race. 


6th- Chocolate Milk Mile (bring your own half gallon or share a gallon with a friend)
19th- Cross Country Banquet in the JHS Tech Atrium from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm


7th- Footlocker West Regional Race (optional on your own if you would like to go)
11th- Indoor/outdoor track parent/athlete meeting from 6:30-7:30 in the Tech Atrium at Jordan High School.

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