June 22- June 27

Great job to those who have been coming out or working out on their own!  It's fun to so much progress made in only 3 weeks!  Continue to stay dedicated and work hard! 

In order to compete you must start to your eligibility process.  

Start by getting a physical and filling out registermyathlete. 

Here are instructions and forms:

RMA Parent Instructions:

UHSAA Physical Form:

Lastly, a reminder to send coaches your weekly mileage and 40-day challenge points.
In order to be eligible for the 40-day challenge prize you need to submit weekly points! 

Boys last name A-L to Coach Shaw
Boys last name M-Z to Coach Summers
Girls to Coach Yawn

Click here for Mileage Totals:

Click here for Challenge Totals:

If you're experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19 we ask that you stay home, stay healthy and communicate with your assigned coach how you're doing.

These symptoms include:
Fever of 100.4 F or above
Cough (new, un-diagnosed cough)
Trouble breathing or shortness of breath
Sore throat
Sudden change in taste or smell
Muscle aches or pains (not related to running)


Monday: Temple Quarry Trail Head @ 7:15 am
For the address click here-------> HERE

Tuesday: On your own

Wednesday:  Commons Area: Come in the front doors of JHS @ 9:00 am

We are scheduled to be in the weight room @ 10:00 am. 

Summer Activity- TBD

Thursday: On your own

Friday: Commons Area: Come in the front doors of JHS @ 7:00 am

We are scheduled to be in the weight room @ 8:00 am. 

Saturday: On your own

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