Aug. 10th- Aug. 15th

It's time.  
So excited and grateful we are able to start our season and hopefully will get many races in.  Please pay your participation fee on skyward.  If it is not on skyward please let me know.  Please show/email Coach Shaw the receipt or a screenshot that you've paid.  Other fees will be added in a couple weeks when those are finalized.  Fees for cross country are $60 for participation, $40 to buy a uniform or $20 to rent, and $112 for the spirit pack.  

Upcoming parent meeting/time trials on August 10th in the Tech Atrium @ Jordan High--- 7:00 PM 

The first official meet is on August 15th  (Because of COVID-19 this meet is limited to only varsity runners.  This means I can only take 7 boys and 7 girls.  If you would like to come support the varsity squad you're welcome to come.   

In order to be eligible for this meet, eligibility must be finished and you must be in the top 7 positions at time trials).
RMA Parent Instructions:

UHSAA Physical Form:

Today is the last and final day to submit any miles over the last 10 weeks.  Email your miles to your coach! 

Boys last name A-L to Coach Shaw
Boys last name M-Z to Coach Summers
Girls to Coach Yawn

Click here for Mileage Totals:

If you're experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19 we ask that you stay home, stay healthy and communicate with your assigned coach how you're doing.

These symptoms include:
Fever of 100.4 F or above
Cough (new, un-diagnosed cough)
Trouble breathing or shortness of breath
Sore throat
Sudden change in taste or smell
Muscle aches or pains (not related to running)


Practice is mandatory.  If you have conflicts contact your coach before practice. 

Monday: Parent/Athlete meeting @ 7:00 pm  in the Tech Atrium at JHS.  

                Time Trials @ 8:00 pm (after we are done with the meeting).

***Everyone is required to wear a mask to attend the meeting and outside during the time trial***
Tuesday: On your own

Wednesday:  Cross Country Area west of tennis courts @ 3:00 pm

Thursday: On your own

Friday: Cross Country Area west of tennis courts @ 3:00 pm

Saturday: Premier XC Invitational (Varsity only to race, others can come spectate)

Because of COVID-19 restrictions ALL athletes are required to take the bus so we can screen you before we get to the meet.  All athletes who come whether to race or spectate must wear a mask.   

Location: Cottonwood Complex--- 4400 1300 E, Millcreek, UT 84124

Bus leaves at 6:15 am

Boys race at 7:30 am

Girls race at 7:35-7:45 am

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