September 21st- 26th
Thanks to all those who made it out to our service on Saturday. The stadium looks much better. We will do another round of weeding and picking up trash this Friday to get ready for our invite!
Its always so fun to watch our athletes race. For those that could not race we miss you and hope to see you soon!
Nerd Report Updated --------> Click Here
This is a big week as we are preparing for our Digger Invitational. It is this Saturday, September 26th!
We have had many parents sign up, thank you! It takes a lot of work to run a race and we need help. There are still a few slots available to sign up for. If you're free and able we would love your help. If you're volunteering we have to do a COVID-19 symptom screener on your arrival. This is the same form our athletes do daily.
***Below is important information about how we are managing spectators at our meet***
We are allowing spectators to come to the race but we must follow these rules exactly.
This is a ticketed event. You must have a ticket to watch the race. If you're a volunteer you will let the gate admin know you're helping to volunteer. They will have a list of names of people who are.
You will need to go online to ----> to get tickets.
Click on Cross Country Jordan Invite
Tickets are free and we have allotted each kid to have 4 tickets. Please only take your 4 allotted tickets.
You will need to create an account and then be able to get 4 tickets. You will need to present them at the race.
When you get to the website you will see, Have a passcode? Click this on the website.
We have an assigned area to sit in. When you arrive please head to the Home side of the stadium. This is on the west side. You will have to cross part of the course, please be mindful of runners. We are in sections A-G. You can sit anywhere in these sections as long as you retain physical distance and wear a mask. CLICK HERE to see the seating arrangement.
You must sit in their assigned bleacher seats. Please don't change seats even if there are available seats.
Enter only through the south gate. No congregating around the track fence or finish line, etc…
This is to promote physical distancing and manage contract tracing.
We are trying to keep spectators and athletes separated.
From your seat, you will be able to see your runner come around 3 times and watch them finish.
When their athlete finishes we invite you to exit the stadium through the south gate.
Lets get ready to have a great week!
If you're experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19 we ask that you stay home, stay healthy and communicate with your assigned coach how you're doing.These symptoms include:
Fever of 100.4 F or above
Cough (new, un-diagnosed cough)
Trouble breathing or shortness of breath
Sore throat
Sudden change in taste or smell
Muscle aches or pains (not related to running)
7:30 am Freshman/Sophomore Girls
8:00 am Freshman/Sophomore Boys
8:30 am Varsity Girls
9:00 am Varsity Boys
9:30 am J.V. Girls
10:00 am J.V. Boys