Week 10 (August 2nd to August 7th)

The season is starting in 10 days!!  Please read through carefully all the steps below to make sure you've finished all that needs to be done. 

Our first race is on August 11th.  You will not be able to participate in races until all your eligibility is complete.  Please try to get done by August 6th! 

Please refer to the season schedule tab above and make plans accordingly with work and other conflicts.  

Mandatory practice starts this Wednesday, August 4th.  We know many of you are still out of town but please communicate this with the coaches as we will be taking attendance that day.

Because there were some issues on BSN's store we are still taking orders.  If you did not get any gear please review the link below and send Coach Shaw what you want and sizes by midnight tonight! 


Season Eligibility: 

  • Create an account and complete all the steps on registermyathlete.com

  • Have an up-to-date physical. PHYSICAL FORM HERE All pages must be completed.

  • GPA from 4th quarter above 2.0, keeping good grades during the season, and not having any failing grades

  • (NG, NC or incomplete count as an F).

    • For more information go to the Jordan High Athletics webpage.

  • Fees include $60 participation,$12 cross country shirt, and either a $40 uniform fee for buying
or $20 for renting. If you buy you can use it for multiple years.
A few of you haven't filled out this google form to let me know if you will
be renting or buying. Please fill this out by midnight tonight!

Here is the link if you haven't submitted it yet!

Once I have information from everyone(hopefully tomorrow MondayAug. 2) I will get the fees put on skyward to be paid online.
Please screenshot or email Coach Shaw a receipt that fees have been paid.

Lastly, please review the link below of the team disclosure.  Once you and a parent/guardian have read it 
Please click the google form link to do an e-signature or print/sign and return to Coach Shaw.
This must be done before you can compete. 

Rules and Disclosure Link

Google Form E-Signature Link

Once eligibility is all complete you will be registered to race and given a uniform!  I'm excited for those
who have been working hard to see it pay off this season!  #herecomesjordan

                                                                    Week 10 Schedule:

Monday-JHS west side of tennis courts (by the group of 3 trees) @ 3:00 pm

Tuesday-  JHS west side of tennis courts (by the group of 3 trees) @ 3:00 pm

Wednesday-   Temple Quarry Trail @ 3:20 pm
Look up on Google Maps or the address is -------> HERE  
Additional parking across street at Little Cottonwood parking lot. 
Thursday- JHS Fall Sports Kick-Off
Come ready to run at 4:00 pm, meet on the west side of the tennis courts.
During the football practice, each of the fall sports will be announced and will do a lap around the track. 
Afterward, you can stay and mingle as long as you'd like.  


3:30 PM - Girls Soccer Game vs Riverton

5:00-7:00 PM - Open Football Practice

5:30 PM - Team Introduction Ceremony

6:00 PM - Free Hot Dog Barbecue & Team Fair

7:00 PM - Cheer Performance.

Friday- Practice canceled due to the air.  Do one of the days of plyo. 

Saturday- East River Front Park @ 7:15 am Click HERE for directions.
10900 S River Front Pkwy, South Jordan, UT 84095

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