Summer Week 4 (June 20th-June 25th)

Thank you Steven's family for hosting night games last week! 

Do your best throughout the summer to get miles in during trips and other times you will be gone.  We know not all settings allow for running but even doing some miles will help you maintain what you've been working on and will allow you to manage easier when you return! 

There are many who still need to sign up for our camp.  It's been 3 weeks so please do this as soon as you can! 

(Required for all who do our summer program) 8 Week Camp and Clinic Fee $40- PAY HERE

Monday-  JHS Weightroom Hallway @ 7:15 am

Weightroom doors are just west of the tennis courts.  Closest doors to our main meeting spot. 

Tuesday-  JHS Weightroom 7:00 am for all athletes.

Wednesday-  Hidden Valley Park at 7:15 am
2860 Wasatch Blvd, Sandy, UT 84092
For directions CLICK HERE

If you're unable to get a ride please reach out to a teammate! 

Thursday- JHS Weightroom 7:00 am for all athletes.

Friday- JHS Weightroom Hallway @ 7:15 am

Saturday- On your own or with teammates

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