Summer Week 7 (July 11th-July 16th)

Thank you to the Lassig and Seamons' families for helping with our pancake breakfast on Friday.  

Our first race is coming up on August 13th.  It's time to start thinking about season eligiblility.

There are many who still need to sign up for our camp.  It's been 6 weeks so please do this as soon as you can! 

(Required for all who do our summer program) 8 Week Camp and Clinic Fee $40- PAY HERE

Monday- JHS west side of tennis courts (by the group of 3 trees) @ 7:15 am

Tuesday- JHS Weightroom 7:00 am for all athletes.

Wednesday-  Highland Drive Horse/Bike Tunnel @ 7:15 am
13433 S 1300 E, Draper, UT 84020
For directions CLICK HERE

Thursday- JHS Weightroom 7:00 am for all athletes.

Friday- JHS west side of tennis courts (by the group of 3 trees) @ 7:15 am

Saturday- Jordan River Trail- Shields Lane Park @ 7:15 am
For directions CLICK HERE

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