September 26th- October 1st

If you haven't seen it yet here is an awesome article about the Park Lane fun run!  You all did so great with the kids in helping and encouraging them during the run! What you do makes a difference! Proud of how your kindness and excitement you gave to them!

Great job last Saturday! It is always fun to watch you race and many of you had a new PR/Season best!  Huge shout out to our girl's team.  Every girl that raced ran their season best!! 

The next couple weeks are going to be really important!  We are approaching championships races and divisionals (where we race to qualify for state)! Please be mindful of taking good care of your body.  If you're starting to get sick take all the precautions you can to stay healthy and keep others healthy.  Get the right amount of sleep you need and drink lots of water.  Avoid new dietary changes or energy drinks that your body is not use to (especially right before a race, this happened once). Take time to look at your school schedule and plan your homework accordingly so that when you race you can be fully focused on giving your best effort for the race.  And lastly, believe in the work you've put in, believe that the goals we've made as a team are obtainable, and believe in yourself that you can run faster than you ever have before.  

We are in this together!

Last call for Jordan Parent/Fan shirts. They are $12 and we will close our successfund fundraiser on October 1st! Thanks for all the support! 

Let Coach Shaw know what sizes you want before ordering to confirm inventory. 

Order here 

The Nerd Report is up to date.  CLICK HERE for the link or check the Jordan XC links on the right hand side.  Remember the Nerd Report is to track and monitor progress.  It is a tool to be used to help encourage and motivate.

Weekly Schedule- 100%

Monday- JHS west side of tennis courts (by the group of 3 trees) @ 3:00 pm

Team outdoor movie at 7:00 pm JHS west side of tennis courts (by the group of 3 trees)

- Bring snacks to share, games to play and blankets for when its gets cooler. 

Tuesday-  JHS west side of tennis courts (by the group of 3 trees) @ 3:00 pm

Optional morning run at 6:15 am @ the start of digger mile.

Wednesday-  JHS west side of tennis courts (by the group of 3 trees) @ 3:00 pm

Thursday- JHS west side of tennis courts (by the group of 3 trees) @ 3:00 pm
Optional morning run at 6:15 am @ the start of digger mile.

Friday- No school day because of parent-teacher conferences.

Run on your own/teammates 
3-4 mile pre-meet with 4 striders.

Saturday- Region Championships
Orem Community Park, Orem, UT.   

Bus leaves at 7:30 am

Race times-
JV Girls 5K 9:00 am
JV Boys 5K 9:30 am
Varsity Girls 5K 10:00 am
Varsity Boys 5K 10:30 am

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