Summer Week 3 (June 12th-17th)
Thank you to the Iman and Pease family for a great pancake breakfast on Friday! Grateful for all the help to build and maintain our program!
We have already seen huge improvements in those that have been coming out. Do your best while on vacation or out of town to get some form of cardio in if nothing else. It will help maintain what you've worked for!
Some quick reminders. For more summer info see the 2023 Summer XC Info Meeting tab.
Summer Activities/Pancake Breakfast/Team Dinners SIGN-UP HERE
10-Week Camp and Clinic Fee $40- PAY HERE
Many still have not signed up. Every athlete who is attending is required to sign up for our summer training. This includes a waiver and if you're going to be at practice it needs to be done. This money goes directly to the cross country account.
Remember to report your mileage to your specified coach.
Boys to Coach Shaw (message on parentsquare or email
Girls to Coach Meg (
Weekly Schedule