Post Season (November 26th-December 2nd)

Hope you all had a great and and safe thanksgiving! 

Here is the banquet xc video if you haven't downloaded it!

Here is the itinerary for the trip this week to Footlocker! Bus will leave Wednesday around 3:30pm!

All paperwork and, including proof of payment, needs to be turned into Coach Shaw by Tuesday at the very latest. This includes copies of insurance cards. You can screen shot a receipt and message me it or give me a paper copy. 

Weekly Schedule

Monday-  JHS outside of the weightroom @ 3:00pm

Tuesday-  JHS outside of the weightroom @ 3:00pm

Wednesday-  Bus will leave around 3:30pm in front of the school! 


Saturday-  Footlocker West Race! 

CLICK HERE for race info and schedule

Wise things to take to Foot Locker:
-Money for food for 6 meals ( you will all be given petty cash before we leave $90).  Breakfast will be at the hotel. There will be Grocery Stores, Restaurants, and Fast Food joints, some within walking distance 
of the hotel, others we will ride the bus over to. 
- Running shoes
-Water bottle
- Swimming suit, beach towel, and sunscreen
- Jacket and some semi warm clothes.  (Temps range from 40s-60s) 
- Extra running clothes 
- Spikes with blanks for racing if you are going to race in them.
- Warm ups for race morning, it is always cold when we get to the races.
- Snacks for the bus ride (not just a bunch of junk food, have some decently healthy snacks)
- Any DVDs need to be PG rated

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