Indoor Track

I hope you all have had a nice break from running and allowing your body and mind to regenerate! Although we will not meet for practice until January 6th It would be wise to consider starting to get some running in! 

Over the next couple weeks lets build you up to 40%-50% of what your max cross country miles were per week i.e. Max miles was 50 so over the next couple weeks i'll build up to 20-25 miles a week. Take it nice and easy, allow running to be something you want to do and that feels good. No need to run any specific kind of pace just start. 

Just some dates to keep in mind.
January 17th- BYU High School Indoor Meet  INFO HERE

February 7th- REP Distance Challenge  INFO HERE

Indoor is club based so races are up to you to register if you choose to compete.

Even though we won't have official practice be free to coordinate with each other and run together. If you are having some aches and pains that haven't gone away please go see the trainer after school. If you have any other questions about your training or need more help, please reach out! 

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